Digital Teixeira

Digital Teixeira was part of the exhibition Teixeira Interrota, curated by the COAM editorial team.

Madrid Ciudad Regia is a map that reflects the urban and social structure of the city of Madrid in the middle of the 17th century drawn by the cartographer Pedro Teixeira Albernaz. Traditional cartography is a static tale, fixed and conditioned by the cartographer’s vision. Indeed, this map was nicknamed the Teixeira Map after its author’s name. The Teixeira Map is therefore the historical account that Teixeira traces of a certain moment; the representation of a determined point of view. On the contrary, digital cartography has beheaded the cartographer. Although its appearance does not differ much from traditional representation, the information contained in a contemporary cartographic device reflects an active, dynamic and uncontrollable system. All citizen activity leaves a geolocated trace through their mobile phones, tablets, watches or any other connected appliance we usually carry with us. Consequently this activity distorts the map by information packages with geographical position and political impact. Digital Teixeira represents the citizen’s activity in social networks during the period of time between January 2019 and April 2019 in the area of study, increasing the definition of environments with more geotagged information, leaving areas with less data traffic less defined. Digital Teixeira is an instantaneous capture of a dynamic system defined by traces of citizen activity.

Digital Teixeira is a project by Taller de Casquería (E. Fuertes, R. Martínez, A. Molins, J. Sobejano), developed in 2019.