Guggenheim Helsinki

Guggenheim Helsinki Competition Data

GHC Data is an audiovisual essay on the impact of the architectural competition for the new Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki.

Guggenheim Helsinki Competition Data is an infographic video regarding the massive impact of the 2014 open design competition for the new Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki. Through very simple numerical analysis, translated to measurable and direct references, this data collection analyses how major institutions use open competitions to generate work worth millions for free, fueled by the promise of an overwhelming professional opportunity. A sort of lottery which represents architecture’s fragile situation. G.H.C. Data reflects both our fascination and preoccupation regarding the most influential architectural open call in history.

Guggenheim Helsinki Competition Data is a project by Taller de Casquería (E. Fuertes, R. Martínez, A. Molins, J. Sobejano, I. de Antonio, L. Pérez) developed in 2015. It was displayed in Kunsthalle Helsinki as part of the exhibition “Guggenheim Helsinki Now”.